What's Lugdulo'V ?
Download Lugdulo'V 0.6.0
Find a bike quickly in your city, with map and geolocalisation support ! Currently available for 170 cities in 20 countries, but you're free to write your own plugins, and if your city is not supported, send us a bug report ! To see the list of supported bike sharing network, check our plugins page.
What do I need to use Lugdulo'V ?
Lugdulo'V is a free software. It's available on multiple platforms: Windows, Mac-OS X, Linux, Maemo, OS/2 and Symbian. We're also working on an iOS port.
Recommend Lugdulo'V
You can also fetch the source code on the git repository and build it yourself !
- Source
Git (prefered)
- Gentoo
lugdulov-0.6.2.ebuild (app-misc/lugdulov)
- Maemo 5
Use your software manager (enable extras-testing and/or extras-dev repository) or directly install the package:
- Symbian
- Lugdulo'V 0.6.2 on OVI Store
- Debian, Ubuntu (.deb)
You can use our ppa:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iksaif/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lugdulov
- Windows
- Mac OS-X (Intel)
- OS/2
- Turkey
- Konya (nextbike)
- Canada
- Montreal (Bixi2), Toronto (Bixi2)
- Australia
- Brisbane (CycloCycle), Melbourne (Melbourne Bike Share)
- Washington, DC (Bixi), Minneapolis (Bixi), Louisville (BCycle), Spartanburg (BCycle), Omaha (BCycle), Broward County (BCycle), Denver (BCycle), Chicago (BCycle), San Antonio (BCycle), Hawaii (BCycle), Des Moines (BCycle), Boulder (BCycle), Madison (BCycle), Miami Beach (DecoBikes)
- United-Kingdom
- Cardiff (OYBike), Reading (OYBike), London (Cycle Hire)
- Poland
- Wrocław (nextbike), WROCŁAW 61 (nextbike)
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourg (Veloh)
- France
- Cergy-Pontoise (Velo2), Paris (Vélib'), Créteil (Cristolib), Aix-en-Provence (V'Hello), Amiens (Velam), Besançon (VéloCité), Marseille (Le Vélo), Mulhouse (VéloCité), Nancy (vélOStan), Nantes (Bicloo), Plaine Commune (Velcom), Rouen (Cyclic), Toulouse (Vélouse), Lyon (Velo'V), Caen (V'eol), Dijon (Velodi), Perpignan (Bip!), La Rochelle (yelo), Bordeaux (Vcub), Pau (IDEcycle), Calais (Velin), Nice (VeloBleu), Vannes (Velocea), Orleans (Velo+), Avignon (Velopop), Saint-Etienne (VéliVert), Saint-Chamond (VéliVert), Firminy (VéliVert), Rive de Gier (VéliVert), Strasbourg (Vel'hop), Rennes (VeloStar)
- Switzerland
- Luzern (nb) (nextbike)
- Slovenia
- Ljubljana (Bicike(lj))
- Austria
- Neusiedler See (nextbike), Bregenzerwald (nextbike), Wien (CityBike)
- Latvia
- Riga (BalticBike), Jurmala (BalticBike)
- Germany
- Leipzig (nextbike), Dresden (nextbike), Frankfurt (nextbike), Bielefeld (nextbike), Berlin (nextbike), Offenbach am Main (nextbike), Magdeburg (nextbike), Hamburg (nextbike), Düsseldorf (nextbike), Coburg (nextbike), Erfurt (nextbike), Hannover (nextbike), Tübingen (nextbike), München (nextbike), Flensburg (nextbike), Offenburg (nextbike), Potsdam (nextbike), Gütersloh (nextbike), Norderstedt (nextbike), Augsburg (nextbike), Halensee KuDamm (nextbike), Usedom (UsedomRad), Nürnberg (NorisBike), Dortmund (metropolradruhr), Bochum (metropolradruhr), Bottrop (metropolradruhr), Duisburg (metropolradruhr), Essen (metropolradruhr), Gelsenkirchen (metropolradruhr), Hamm (metropolradruhr), Herne (metropolradruhr), Mülheim a.d.R. (metropolradruhr), Oberhausen (metropolradruhr), Aachen (CallABike), Aschaffenburg (CallABike), Augsburg (CallABike), Baden-Baden (CallABike), Bamberg (CallABike), Berlin (CallABike), Bielefeld (CallABike), Bonn (CallABike), Braunschweig (CallABike), Bremen (CallABike), Darmstadt (CallABike), Dortmund (CallABike), Düsseldorf (CallABike), Erlangen (CallABike), Flensburg (CallABike), Frankfurt am Main (CallABike), Freiburg (CallABike), Fulda (CallABike), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (CallABike), Göttingen (CallABike), Gotha (CallABike), Gütersloh (CallABike), Halle (CallABike), Hamburg (CallABike), Hamm (CallABike), Hanau (CallABike), Hannover (CallABike), Heidelberg (CallABike), Hildesheim (CallABike), Ingolstadt (CallABike), Kaiserslautern (CallABike), Karlsruhe (CallABike), Kassel (CallABike), Köln (CallABike), Ludwigslust (CallABike), Lübeck (CallABike), Magdeburg (CallABike), Mainz (CallABike), Mannheim (CallABike), Minden (CallABike), München (CallABike), Oberhausen (CallABike), Oldenburg (Oldb) (CallABike), Passau (CallABike), Rostock (CallABike), Saarbrücken (CallABike), Stuttgart (CallABike), Waren (Müritz) (CallABike), Warnemünde (CallABike), Weimar (CallABike), Wiesbaden (CallABike), Wolfsburg (CallABike), Würzburg (CallABike)
- Ireland
- Dublin (Dubline Bikes)
- Belgium
- Bruxelles (Villo)
- Japan
- Toyama (Cyclocity)
- New Zealand
- Auckland (nextbike)
- Lower Austria
- St. Pölten (LEIHRADL), Mödling (LEIHRADL), Wachau (LEIHRADL), Tulln (LEIHRADL), Triestingtal (LEIHRADL), Thermenregion (LEIHRADL), Römerland (LEIHRADL), ÖBB-Bahnhöfe (LEIHRADL), Wieselburg (LEIHRADL), Wiener Neustadt (LEIHRADL), Waldviertel (LEIHRADL), Neunkirchen (LEIHRADL), Krems Ost (LEIHRADL), Unteres Traisental (LEIHRADL), Haag (LEIHRADL), Piestingtal (LEIHRADL), Mistelbach (LEIHRADL), Marchfeld (LEIHRADL), Ötscherland (LEIHRADL), 10 vor Wien (LEIHRADL), Traisen - Gölsental (LEIHRADL), Oberes Ybbstal (LEIHRADL), Laa an der Thaya (LEIHRADL), Südheide (LEIHRADL)
- Taiwan
- Taipei (Youbike)
- Spain
- Valencia (Valenbisi), Santander (Tusbic), Séville (Sevici), Barcelona (Bicing), Zaragoza (Bizi)
Contribute: Bugs, Features, Patchs
Go to: http://dev.iksaif.net/projects/lugdulov
Lugdulo'V support plugins, and you can easily write your own plugin if you have some Qt knowledge ! Fetch the source code and take a look to the skeleton plugin and API documentation. If you need help to write your own plugin, just create a new support request on the dev website. The can also help you writting new plugins.
To build Lugdulo'V, simply use Qt Creator. You can also build it directly from your shell, for that you'll need Qt and CMake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..